Memorial Day is a time to enjoy having fun with family and friends. Thank you for being a friend to Susie's Cause and for helping us spread awareness about life-saving colon cancer screening and prevention.
Just in case you haven't heard them all, we want to share with you some of the great ways our supporters have given their time and money to support Susie's Cause in 2012. It's inspiring to see all the ideas everyone came up with to get out the word about preventing colon cancer with screenings and a healthy lifestyle.

- held galas
- volunteered
- cooked chili
- ran and walked in races
- grew mustaches and beards
- paddled canoes
- ice skated
- shared your stories
- contributed articles
- hosted dinners and dances
- lifted weight
- donated money
life-threatening disease.
Were any of these ideas from your event? Do you have other ideas for events?
Share them with us!
Your grassroots events are a great way to honor and remember family members as well as support Susie's Cause. Is there something you would like to do to support Susie's Cause in 2013?
If so, please contact us at (410) 244-1778.