Sunday, January 20, 2013

How Can Cruciferous Vegetables Help You?

Posted by Barbara Armstrong Green
Could the mythical fountain of youth, that famed explorer Juan Ponce de Leon searched for more than 500 years ago, be as close as the produce section of your local grocery store or farmers’ market?

There is a growing body of evidence that eating a lot of plant food may protect you from getting cancer, according to nutritional expert and best-selling author, Dr. Joel Fuhrman. He points out that some vegetable families offer more cancer protection than others.

Meet the Cruciferous Family

If you are not familiar with the cruciferous family of vegetables, you should be because this is one of those powerful vegetable families that Dr. Fuhrman refers to as “full of super foods with powerful anti-cancer effects”.  They include arugula, bok choy, broccoli, cabbage, kale, and radish, to name a few.

What Do Observational Studies Say?

• Eating a lot of cruciferous vegetables could reduce the risk of colorectal cancers by 18%.
• One serving per day of these vegetables reduced the risk of breast cancer by more than 50%.

Read more>

1 comment:

Ram said...

Thanks for the great post. Very good information to know. Did Dr. Fuhrman publish a study on this? I would love to take a look at it.

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